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Find your number group members. Have 1 person in the group start a Doc and share the link with the others. You are going to write a short story together, or perhaps just outline a story - that’s ok too.
For each of these questions, suggest answers as comments in the Google Doc. Respond to others suggestions. Remember that successful collaboration accepts and builds on other people’s ideas. Try not to reject ideas out of hand - instead, figure out a way to incorporate them into the story.
While outlining possible answers, feel free to use bulleted lists, comments, tables, color fonts, or other formatting options to keep track of what’s going on.
1. Where, and when, does the story take place?
2. Who is the main character?
3. What makes this person different? Why is the story about them?
4. What’s wrong with the world or the character? Is this something the main character will need help to solve?
5. What stands in the character’s way?
6. How must the character themself change to fix the problem?
7. How is the world different at the end of the story?
After you are done with the story, share the link with me on Slack to receive feedback. Complete it before the realtime class on Wednesday, Sept 30.